Who We Are?

Who we are

Thank you for visiting our page, we are so glad you are here.  We are Richard and Tammy Lawrence, we were born and raised right here in Warren County.  We have 5 children, 4 girls and a boy, and 4 grandchildren.   We live on our 300 acre family farm in the heart of Smiths Grove, KY.  We love food and feeding people.  What better path could there be for us!  We’re happy to have you on this adventure with us.


Our Mission

Coming from big families of good cooks and our families being brought together by good tasting food and sharing a multitude of recipes; our talents have grown over the generations.

By studying a library full of family cookbooks and the opportunity to have lived in diverse cultures we love to offer our experiences to everyone who will taste them.


Our Core Values

We are anchored in our faith and our values have always remained the same.   

                                           “And be kind to one another,

                                  tenderhearted, forgiving one another,

                                      even as God in Christ forgave you.”

                                                                                     Ephesians 4:32